Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Mentoring/Coaching for Discipleship

The process that every Christian is to participate in is discipleship. God calls all 'born again' people to be discipled. The process is about emotional and spiritual growth so that the believer reproduces the character and qualities of life that are seen in the life of Christ. Believers are all to become like Christ and manifest the fruit of the Spirit in their normal Christian experience.

Discipleship is the process described in the New Testament and is to be the norm for all Christians. Christians are to become like Christ, not just act like Christ. The end produce is human beings who have been transformed by God's Spirit through their intentional submission to God's activities and through that process have become like Christ, participating in the "Divine nature" (II Peter 1:4).

The New Testament states that "another" lives in us (Galations 2:20); our bodies are the temple of the Spirit of God (I Corinthians 6:19-20). Every believer is indwelt by Christ (Romans 8:9-11) so that each believer is an incarnation of Jesus in this world. As a person lives in the reality of this indwelling Holy Spirit, the process of transformational healing reproduces the character and attributes of Christ in us.

Two contemporary words have been adopted which describe for most men, the discipleship process: mentoring and coaching. The process and the goal are the same as the New Testament word "discipleship" but are free from some of the negative tones and implications of that word as most men have heard it used.

New groups are forming in the metroplex area now. If you are interested, check website http://mercymatters.org for more information or call Waylon Ward at 214-415-3486.

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