Saturday, July 26, 2008

Men Mentoring Men

" finally not a thing to be learned, but rather a quality to be tasted or experienced. The masculine within is called forth and blessed by the masculine without." Leanne Payne

Mentoring men is a process in which the man being mentored absorbs masculinity from the one who is the mentor. It is similar to the young boy absorbing his father's masculinity down to the imitation even of his habits and behaviors. True masculinity is caught more than it is taught and the mentoring process involves a mentor walking with the one being mentored on a journey toward maturity.

In mentoring, we are affirming our belief in the incarnational truth that God really indwells the person we are mentoring as well as our selves. We believe that this indwelling God will transform us both from within. The mentor's role is to create an atmosphere in which the reality of the incarnation can be experienced by the one he is mentoring.

Training to be a mentor is not learning a system for understanding the person being mentored, but rather learning to trust God to work through you and guide your understanding about what He wants to accomplish in the person's life. God will draw from all that He has taught you and from all of your life experiences. The more of life you have experienced and the more you have learned, the greater is the reservoir inside of you that god can draw from.

In this seminar MEN MENTORING MEN you will be taught some basic material that has been developed in forty years of counseling/mentoring men. The intent is to enlarge your reservoir, to provide you with information about the issues that men face in our culture so that you will have a better understanding of the problems that the men you are mentoring face every day. This information is presented in a small group experience so that you experience how other men react to and incorporate the material into their lives.

The slogan for the small group experience is: "SCREW NICE1 BE REAL!" If we want the men we are mentoring to be real with us than we need to learn to be real with other men first, so we can model being real with the men we are mentoring.

Mentoring and discipleship in most Christian groups involved passing on a body of information, theological and procedural, to the people being mentored. Conceptual, objective knowledge about Jesus and the Christian life has almost entirely replaced attempts to walk with God, to experience supernatural power in daily living. We have mentored people to be "human doings" instead of human beings. We memorize Scripture and learn theological truth, but we don't experience spiritual reality in the context of a loving relationship with God and with one another.

If this is what you expect MEN MENTORING MEN to be, you will be disappointed. Mentoring incorporates a relationship that is authentic and real. Most men in our culture have not been emotionally connected with anyone, particularly their fathers and in MEN MENTORING MEN we work in and from a strong relational emphasis. We believe that authentic relationships and intimacy make the soil in which the human personality can develop healthy roots and grow to emotional and spiritual maturity.

As you embark on this journey, which is MEN MENTORING MEN, it is our prayer that you will experience more of the reality of the indwelling Christ and the power that He provides for you. We pray that the love of God and His wisdom and power will flow through you into the lives of the men He brings into your life to mentor.

This material was developed and written by Waylon Ward, Executive Director of Mercy Matters. For more information or to contact Waylon log on to or for information about Mercy Matters.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Man 2.0 Groups

Men grow and change in gender specific groups! Healthy masculinity is caught more than it's taught and the best way to catch healthy masculinity and spirituality is to hang out with guys who are growing and finding healing.

The Holy Spirit uses the Word of God, spoken and written, and the people of God, brothers and sisters in Christ, to enable individuals to grow and find emotional and relational healing.

Man 2.0 Groups are looking for a few men who want "to take hold of the life that is truly life." (I Timothoy 6:19)

Existing Groups:
Monday noon (12:00 noon) - Addison
Monday evenings (7:30 pm) - Colleyville (full)
Tuesday noon (12:00 noon) - Southlake
Tuesday evenings (7:30 pm) - Colleyville
Wednesday mornings (7:00 am) - Southlake
Wednesday evenings (7:30 pm) - Colleyville
Thursday noon (12:00 noon) - North Dallas
Thursday evenings (6:30 pm) - Addison
Friday noon (12:00 noon) - Southlake

Man 2.0 Groups are relationship focused groups designed to create a safe encironment for men to connect and grow spiritually, relationally and emotionally. There is no fee for participation.

For more information contact Waylon at 214-415-3486.
The groups are led by Waylon Ward, a Life Coach and Counselor. He is the founder of MAN 2.0 and the Executive Director of MERCY MATTERS. For more information or to contact Waylon:
or phone 214-415-3486.

Life 2.0 - Life that is truly life

There is a significant reason that people do not find emotional and relational healing. What I have obsesrved over years and years of counseling couples and individuals is that there is a major reason most people do not find emotional healing.

But first let me point out a piece of evidence that a person has not experienced emotional healing in an area: the fact that he/she keeps doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. The same arguments have taken place for years over the same topics, perhaps difference characters, but same issues. They keep blaming the other person. They keep focusing on what they don't have instead of what they do have. They keep blowing up at the same issues they have been blowing up about for years. And they are unaware of the pain they cause. An instand replay would reveal that even the same words and gestures have been used for years.

The main reason most people don't find emotional healing is that they Don't honestly believe that they need it as bad as their partner does. When you or anyone is humbled before God, broken by His revelation, crumpled by His sorrow, then healing is just a step away. Ask God to search you out and show you what He wants to heal in you (Psalm 139:23-24). You will be shocked at how amazingly fast your partner changes when God touches you first.

Perhaps there is a reason you get to frustrated. Could it be that God is trying to change, heal you and He wants you to focus on yourself instead of your partner?

(If your first desire was to show this e-perspective to your partner, then please re-read it, more slowly this time.)

Remember me as loving you!

This e-perspective was written by Waylon Ward, a Life Coach and Counselor.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

My Purpose and Committment

My purpose in every area of my life is to let Jesus shine through me. I want to be a re-incarnation of His nature so that people see Jesus through me. I desire that he accomplish His purposes in the audiences I speak to; in the lives of those I counsel or coach and in the lives of everyone I meet.

When I speak, I desire to have Christ present His truth through me and for the people to be drawn to Jesus by my words and my actions. I don't want to be a hindrance but catalyst for everyone I minister to and for everyone in the audiences I speak to.

I desire to be a flesh and blood re-presentation of Jesus to each person I counsel and coach. I want each individual or couple to see Jesus, not me; to feel His love not mine; to hear His truth not mine. I want everyone I counsel to become christ dependent not Waylon dependent. I want everyone to be drawn to Jesus not to Waylon except as I am a mirror to show them Jesus.

I want to be a growth facilitator in my speaking, counseling and coaching. I want to help every person become more like Christ (Colossians 1:28) be what God created them to be. I do not believe they can do that without a personal deep intimacy with Jesus. I want to be an instrument that God uses to set people free, to teach people truth, to assist them in removing every hindrance to their personal growth. I particularly desire to help people see an accurate picture of God so that their God-image will be accurate.

I want to honor and worship the Father with every ounce of my being. I want to be a vessel, created by the Father, filled by His Spirit and overflowing for His glory. I want to experience all I can of the Spirit but I never want people to see me and my great experiences. I want all eyes to be on the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

So here is my prayer of commitment:

O Lord my God, my Savior, my Friend:
I am Yours. Your are mine.
I commit the rest of my life into your hands.
I surrender all that I am to You for Your purposes.
I desire to be used by You to touch people's lives,
to be Your instrument of healing and comfort.
I want You to glorify Yourself whenever I speak or counsel or coach.
Her is my mind, O Lord.
Think Your thoughts in me.
Be my wisdom, truth, knowledge and insight.
I commit myself to the Bible as Your Holy Word and accurate in every way for my life and what I teach.
Help me to filter all my words and actions through Your Word that I might accurately re-present you every time I speak.
Here is my voice.
You have said in Your Word not to worry about what I am to say, but that Your Spirit in me will give me what to say and how to say it.
Free me to speak with silence or words, which ever is needed at that moment.
Give me Your timing and tenderness and understanding.
Help me to write the words that You want written and that You put into my head and heart.
Guide my studies Lord.
Lead me to the material that You want me to learn.
Now O Lord, here is my body to be a temple for Your presence, a Holy of Holies for You.
Manifest Yourself in me as You did in the Tabernacle and Temple of old.
Release creative and healing affection in my face, my touch, and my embrace.
Use me as Your hands and arms in the lives of those You bring into my life.
And Jesus, if there is something I am to do by Your indwelling presence, however menial or tough, I ask that You control my will to do it.
I want to do what You did and to only do what You do in me.
Lord, I am ready now to be your manifest intervention in situations that you place me in:
to infuse joy, affirm growth or absorb pain and aching anguist.
I choose to live this day and the rest of my life in the reality of Your presence in me.
I give You praise and thanks for answering this prayer and for making me Your instrument.
I am Your vessel to be filled up with You.
Use me to bring healing and growth to Your people and free me from my selfish desires that hinder the flow of Your Spirit in me.
Enable me to accept my humanity as the divinely created contained that You will fill with Your Spirit and the instrument that You use to touch other human lives.
Protect me from the evil one and his deceptive lies.
I am Yours and You are mine.
In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen
(I first prayed and wrote this prayer July 17, 2000. I was moved to make this my 'life prayer' by the writings of Lloyd Ogilvie. I have renewed it regularly ever since. It is the earnest desire of my heart to have God answer this prayer in my day to day life. I offer it to you as a model for your 'life prayer.' I recognize and remember that God looks at our heart motives more than the words written on a piece of paper, so I offer this to you not as a "look at me" kind of thing, but as an aid to those of you who desire to create your own life prayer and to make your heart and life a happy dwelling place for God's Spirit.) Waylon Ward